Why is regular peeling important?
Skin constantly renews itself. It constantly rejects dead, horny cells and replaces them with new, young cells. Numerous skin defects (spots, small scars) are actually situated in the very thin, upper epidermis layer. When epidermis is removed, new young cells appear that were waiting under the upper layer. Thus the defects can be cured, even removed. More frequent removal of the upper layer of epidermis is called peeling. If we help our skin to get rid of dead cells more quickly, we can do wonders for our skin: after peeling, the skin will “breath” more easily, it will look fresh, rejuvenated, smooth, clean and gentle. And also an important tip: no face or body treatment will have a complete effect if we have not performed peeling first. Active ingredients of preparations that are applied to skin shall penetrate skin much more easily after peeling,